New York's Magical Book Launch

Had a spectacular time at last week’s launch party in New York.  Deep gratitude to Wilma Jordan, Founder & CEO of JEGI, a long-time partner and friend who opened her home to celebrate Magic in the Mundane: Making Life’s Ordinary Extraordinary.  Wilma and I have been partners in our industry for nearly 14 years. She runs a leading i-banking firm, and I the leading research & advisory firm.  

We have a passion for what we do and on a hand-shake agreement with my husband, Outsell co-founder Greg Chagaris, we began co-producing an event over a dozen years ago.  Wilma’s been a partner, a colleague, a friend.  A cherished friend. When I sent her an advance copy of the book, her first words were “let me host a launch party for you.” 

We exited the elevator into her beautiful entry, piano player in the foreground, wine and appetizers, and a lovely warm, setting to share this major moment with those near and dear.  To all who joined me thank you.  Enjoy the book and please share the word.  

To Wilma thank you for being a gal’s great friend. I’m honored. 

